After Russ left, I spent several weeks in my very empty house in Deer Park. I finally decided to hire the neighbor's grandson to mow the lawn and I would make the 350-mile trek back for weed pulling every two weeks. It has proved to be a very costly summer! As life would have it, Russ once again became disillusioned with the East and some of his family and decided to return to the West.
I have always listened to an inner voice and followed its' whispers. I continued to pursue the sale of my house. I know I am supposed to be here in Port Orchard at this time in my life, so I have closed the door on my life in Deer Park. Russ found an apartment and is near the Spokane Airport where he hopes to be hired again this winter.
Next weekend, I will drive over to Deer Park to winterize the house. It has not sold, and the contract is up Oct. 31st. I will let my poor empty house suffer through the winter on its' own and hope for the best! In the Spring, I will again put it on the market and hope it sells. One couple viewed it 5 times and were totally in love with it, but they never made a valid offer. I think financing was a problem for them.
As to my frame of mind, I am reflective. When I think of the nomadic life I've led, I grow weary. I wonder at all the things I've done, the places I've lived and the choices I've made. Life has not been boring, but it is winding down. I am retired and no longer care about my public appearance. I am 63 and have lived through the decade of the banning of the bra...odd that I find that so appealing now!
Sweats with pockets for my cell phone, digital camera and Samsung Galaxy are my apparel of choice! And a bra only, when necessary, in public! Age must have some benefits, after all! I am amazed at all the driving I do, since I only got my license at age 48! A late bloomer but I am sure making up for it!
Life is good, even if I am on a fixed income until the house sells. I am probably the most broke I've been in a long time but looking back I've survived worse. There is so much to see. So many beaches, State Parks, little towns and shops to explore...thank goodness for my Nissan! My baby gets 32mpg in town and 42mpg on trips and she even doubles as my mini pickup with back seats that fold down. My baby has hauled everything from cement blocks, lumber, energy logs, deer feed to Christmas trees!
I have given many of "My Things" away, to fit into Port Orchard. Most people let their children do that after they die. I have had to choose what is important to me. My room is decorated with things that remind me of who I've been. There are decorative plates from my job at Gwen's Gifts, a needlework my grandmother did and one I did, a plate of my great, great grandmother's, a photo beautifully framed of my best friend and I 57 years ago, wildlife plates of my mom's reminding me of what a large part nature has played in my life, an antique desk, a rocking chair, nostalgic kerosene lamps, birdhouses, handmade dolls, quilts, a print that reminds me of a very special cabin that was my refuge after my first husband died and one needlework that says:" Life's most beautiful things are not seen with the eyes but are felt with the heart" and a handmade sign that says: "Home is where you hang your heart!" Indeed, my home is always where I hang my heart.
Home is not about a specific building or place. It is being comfortable in your own skin! I am one of the lucky ones who has carried "Home" with me to a great many places!