Monday, October 17, 2022


                                         REMEMBER ME   

                 I do not aspire to greatness, just only to be remembered.                                                                    I do not aspire to wealth, for in Spirit I have attained vast riches.                                                     I do not pine for Love, as I am wrapped in its warmth.                                                                       I do not seek revenge, for life's taught me to turn the other cheek.                                                     I do not long for things out of reach, for I am comfortable in my own skin.                                     I do not need great acclaim, for the pleasure comes in sharing.                                                         I do not have regrets, for the harsh times made me who I am.                                                           I do not aspire to greatness, Just Only to be Remembered!                                                                                      

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Artist's Acclaim

Throughout history, Artists have used women as models, often not even telling who they were. At 5am, I awoke from a dream inspired to write this poem to give credit to all the women who have been an inspiration.  Can't even remember the dream! This is just one of the portraits, but all the great Artists seem to have had their muses and been guilty of not giving credit.

                                                               Portrait of a Seated Lady

                                                        By Freidrich August Von Kaulbach

 If only to have known what pains the artist took to set the pose,

Or thoughts that ran through the poser's head,

Whilst stillness crept on for hours,                   

Were there dreams perhaps of an admirer,           

Or did she simply wish to stretch in bed.

Just how did the women's thoughts stray?               

Was she shopping perhaps for a new bonnet,        

Or imaging making love to her artist?                      

A shame, we will not know it to this day.          

Was she reflecting upon the path her life had taken?                                            

Or flirting with her artist's eyes... if only to imagine,  

How must his mouth taste and skin feel?                

As these thoughts, he now awakened.

Was it merely a commissioned piece?                       

Or was She the Artist's passion,                                 

A tension, perhaps as yet unfulfilled,                     

As their contract of eyes just did not cease,

The Artist is the one to get the Acclaim,

But what of the poser's dedication to the work?    

The hours spent in thoughts with her musings,           

So sad, we often don't even get to know her name!

                                                                                            Marilyn Cavanaugh 2022

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Buell/Wilcox Bible

 Although I once thought this Bible to have been a Buell Bible because that what was written in the front; I have found out differently.  And just how this came to be in "My Attic" at 46 Graves Avenue has a much closer history to my family.

I will start with Captain Eber Wilcox born Apr. 13, 1783, in Killingworth, CT. Eber was my 4th G Grandfather. He married Rachel Hurd Feb. 7, 1806, in Killingworth, CT. Eber is said to have been a Captain in the War of 1812 and I am still searching through tons of material to verify. Captain is written on Eber's graves registration card and his name has been mentioned in graveside ceremonies by the Daughters of the War of 1812.

Eber and Rachel had 5 daughters that were born in Killingsworth, CT.  now Clinton.

1)  Abigail Wilcox b. Nov. 16, 1806, d. Apr. 3, 1879, Clinton, CT.
     She married Eben Buell Dec. 6, 1826. Abigail and Eben's family are the earliest listed in       the Bible. Both buried in Indian River Cemetery, Clinton, CT.

2) Parmelia Wilcox b. Jan. 1, 1810, d. May 13, 1881, in Summit Co. Ohio
      Married Zina Buell Dec. 23, 1828, Both buried in Stow Cemetery in Stow, Ohio.

3) Elizabeth Wilcox (My 3 G Grandmother) b. Apr. 21, 1816, d. Jan. 12, 1906, Guilford, CT. Married William S. Kelsey (My 3 G Grandfather) Mar. 12, 1837. Both buried in Alderbrooke Cemetery, Guilford, CT.

4) Louise Wilcox b. 1819   d. Dec. 31, 1899, Summit CO. Ohio
     Married Edward S. Cartwright Both buried in Markillie Cemetery, Hudson, Ohio.

5) Cornelia D. Wilcox b. May 5, 1833, d. Apr 1, 1917, Summit Co. Ohio
     Unwed     Her will left all to her nephew Charles W. Cartwright Buried at Markillie Cemetery with Eber and Rachael Wilcox and sister Louise Wilcox Cartwright.

These were the children of my 4 G Grandparents.

Abigail was the big sister to my 3rd G Grandmother by 10 years and they would both continue to live in the Guilford area all their lives.

Abigail was not Eben Buell's first wife. He first married Mehetable Kelsey Nov. 1, 1823
 Eben and Mehetable had one child, Jenette Anna Buell b. Nov. 26, 1825, Mehetable died in childbirth. No mention of this child in their Buell Bible which I find strange. This was strictly the Bible pertaining to the Eben Buell and Abigail Wilcox union. The early Census records do not list names within the household so there is no way to know if Ann Jennette as she was later called was raised by Abigail or was sent to grandparents.

Eben married Abigail Wilcox just one year after his wife Mehetable's death.

The Family Records Page of Eben and Abigail shows their children as being:

1) Eben W. Buell   b. Jun.22, 1828   d. Aug. 11, 1829, Just over a year old.

2) Abigail Frances Buell b. Aug. 30, 1830, d. Oct. 16, 1847
    Married Orson Chaffee Feb. 18, 1846, the license was filed by her father Eben in Summit Co. Ohio. Orson was 18 and Abigail was 16. I assume she was pregnant at the time of marriage and probably died in childbirth, 8 months after their marriage. 

3) Andrew W. Buell, b. Mar. 18, 1833, Clinton, CT. d. Jun. 6, 1914, New Haven, CT.
    Married Marietta Stowell Jun. 16, 1856, One son Eben Henry Buell is listed in the Bible born in Greenville, PA. Mar. 18, 1860.

4) Helen Elizabeth Buell b. Nov. 6, 1839, d.  Jan. 15, 1843, Stow Twp, Summit CO. Ohio
     Age 3 yrs 2+ months buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Cuyahoga, Summit Co. Ohio

It is my belief, that this Bible was the property of my 3G Grandmother's sister Abigail Wilcox Buell and that upon her death it was given to Elizabeth Wilcox Kelsey for safe keeping, as she was the only family in the Guilford area. It was passed down to Elizabeth's son Edwin and then to my G Grandmother, May Kelsey Sperry where she would reside at 46 Graves Ave. for many years. 

As dubbed the Family Historian at an early age, it would move out west with Marilyn Senecal Cavanaugh. It now has been passed to my daughter, Tiffany Cavanaugh Hallisey and resides in Redmond, WA. preserved in a special case along with the history of our 4th G Grandparents, Eber and Rachel Hurd Wilcox and all those listed on its pages.

The Buells, Wilcox and Kelseys lived in the tight area of Killingworth, Clinton and Guilford, CT. and the intermarrying of those families comes up many times in our family's genealogy. All had large families with Buell brothers marrying Wilcox sisters and Kelsey's marrying Wilcox. Many of their graves are either in Indian River Cemetery in Clinton or Alderbrooke Cemetery in Guilford.

Eber Wilcox and wife Rachael Hurd Wilcox are buried in Markillie Cemetery in Hudson, Ohio.

May it continue to be passed on for many more generations.

Sunday, January 9, 2022



 Sarah Hubbard was born June 12, 1792 in Guilford, CT. She was the daughter of Abraham Hubbard and Rachel Scranton.

On July 10, 1814, Sarah married Amos Seward; as recorded in the Barbour Collection of CT. Marriages. Aaron Dutton preformed the Ceremony. Sarah was 3+ months pregnant and had just turned 22 years old. I have been doing genealogy for 50 years and have found that an overwhelming number of our female ancestors were pregnant prior to marriage.
Sarah would bear 10 children with Amos Seward.
1) Sarah Elizabeth was born Jan. 29, 1815, just 6 months into their marriage. She married Hezekiah Hosmer and died 1839 They had 2 children.
2) Ellen Agnes born March 13,1816, just 17 months after her sister Elizabeth. She married John Brooke Pinney, had 9 children and died 1889.
3) Rachel Stone born Dec. 5, 1817-1882. She married Ralph Dunning Smyth(Smith) and had 4 children.
At this point in Sarah Hubbard Seward's life, she had 3 children in her first 3 years of marriage.
4) Mary Hedges born Aug. 6, 1821-1895. Married Frederick Augustine Drake. They had 3 children.
5) Nancy born 1822-1826
6) Anne Maria born 1826-1827
The deaths of these two girls were just one year apart and Sarah Hubbard was pregnant with child #7, when Anne Maria passed.
7) Nancy Maria born Dec. 14, 1827-1912. She was named in memory of her two dead sisters. She married Christian W. Slagle. They had 6 children.
😎 Agnes Lee born Dec. 12, 1829- 1904 She would die a Spinster and would spend her last years boarding with my GG grandparents. Burton Lyman Sperry and Lydia Buell Sperry.
9) William Todd born May 2,1832-1907. Sarah Hubbard was almost 40. He married Sarah Wheadon and had 3 children.
10) Fanny Hubbard born Nov. 25, 1833-1907 Married Ripley Baylies and had 3 children.
Sarah Hubbard Seward was age 41 when her last child was born. She would have 30 grandchildren during her lifetime. Sarah died two months prior to her 82nd birthday.
Her family would become some of the most colorful yet respected in Guilford History.

References for photo and poetry are from,