Tuesday, November 3, 2020

It Was A Time


It was a time of wringer washers,

A time of sprinkler bottles and ironing boards;

It was a time of sweet remembrance,

And shopping in Big department stores.

It was a time of outdoor play,

Until street lights signaled , "Go Home";

It was a time of skates with keys,

And lots of fields in which to roam.

It was a time of one speed bicycles,

Balloon tires and sheer determination;

It was the smell of line dried clothes,

And much left to the imagination.

It was a time of playing marbles,

Sock Hops, Huckle Buckle Beanstalk, and Hide and Seek;

A time when neighbors knew their neighbors;

Cherishing qualities that make us unique.

It was a time of black and white,

Families gathering around the tube;

A time of Variety Shows and Lassie,

Violence and sex was seldom viewed.

It was a time of rules and respect,

And spankings for doing wrongs;

It was a time of learning values,

Developing a character that was strong.

It was a time of scarcity and appreciation,

For all the things we had;

Such a simpler, kinder time,

Having lived it,  I am glad.